February 4th marks World Cancer Day, the one day in the year when the world comes together to raise awareness of cancer and also to encourage its prevention, detection and treatment.
Raising Awareness articles
The Gifting Season is Underway…
Our first box of Christmas goodies is going out tomorrow – our way of saying “thank you” to the amazing hospital consultants and staff that have helped look after pseudomyxoma survivors on the wards.
An After Dinner Chat With…
Join Nils Blythe for a series of after dinner talks with people you’ll want to listen to, all from the comfrot of your own home.
Intimate Audrey
We were invited by our patron, Sean Hepburn Ferrer, to the VIP opening reception of the Intimate Audrey exhibition
Trustees Week 14th November
One of the recommendations of the Charity Commission, the body that regulates charities in the UK, is that charities work with other charities. This is extremely important to the trustees of Pseudomyxoma Survivor and key to a lot of the things we do.
I’ve gone from 0km to 10km in just over 6 months!
In 2015, I had cytoreductive surgery and HIPEC for pseudomxyoma peritonei. To thank Pseudomyxoma Survivor for all the support I was given and all the friends I have made through the charity, I’m doing the Southend 10K to raise funds for the charity. I would have been so alone and desperate without the charity and I cannot thank you enough x
PSOGI 2018
Pseudomyxoma Survivor representatives once again attended the bi-annual Peritoneal Surface Oncology Group International (PSOGI) conference, this time it was in Paris. The PSOGI aims to “improve the treatment and survival of peritoneal cancer patients by educating patients, by training physicians, by organizing meetings and by performing basic and clinical scientific research into peritoneal cancer and the different treatment modalities”.
Gearing up for PSOGI 2018
The PERITONEAL SURFACE ONCOLOGY GROUP INTERNATIONAL conference, now in its 11th year, is almost upon us. I can't quite believe it's been two years since we attended the one in Washington DC! PSOGI is a non-profit organisation which aims to promote research, education,...
Update from our Chair
Following on from the two successful patient days held at Basingstoke Hospital and The Christie, I have been busy attending meetings with Cancer52, Eurordis, National Voices and I secured a bursary place at the Public Health England Conference in Manchester in June....
Peritoneal Tumour Patient Day at The Christie 2018
Huge thanks to everyone who came to speak to us at our table at the Peritoneal Tumour Patient Day at The Christie yesterday. It was lovely to see some old friends and to make lots of new ones. We were overwhelmed by the donations the charity received and so busy that...
Eurordis General Assembly 2018
Susan's representing Pseudomyxoma Survivor at the EURORDIS - European Rare Diseases Organisation General Assembly this week.
MP backs group work on cancer
Susan met with Ilkley MP, John Grogan, to discuss the work of Pseudomyxoma Survivor and Cancer52. Based on current data, 46 percent of cancers diagnosed are rare and less common, yet they account for 54 percent of cancer deaths.