PMP Surgeons and Specialists in the UK
There’s two hospitals that specialise in treatment for pseudomyxoma peritonei in the UK. One is in Basingstoke and one in Manchester. These are recommended by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). Both of these hospitals have an NHS Peritoneal Malignancy/Tumour team specialising in PMP. Both also see patients privately in separate clinics.
The referral process to either the North Hampshire hospital or to the Christie depends on which part of the UK you live in. If you have any questions about your referral, please contact us and we can point you in the right direction.
Peritoneal Surface Malignancy Unit
Basingstoke and North Hampshire Hospital
Peritoneal Surface Malignancy Unit
Basingstoke and North Hampshire Hospital
Aldermaston Road
RG24 9NA
contact details for the team
(away from the Pseudomyxoma Survivor website)
Peritoneal Tumour Service (PTS)
The Christie Hospital
Peritoneal Tumour Service
The Christie NHS Foundation Trust
Wilmslow Road
M20 4BX
contact details for the team (away from the Pseudomyxoma Survivor website)
The criteria for surgery are defined and maintained by NHS England as are the terms of the service. This information can be found here –
Northern Ireland
We have received the following information from the DHSSPS Press Office:
Patients with PMP in Northern Ireland are usually referred to a gynaecological or gastrointestinal cancer multi-disciplinary meeting (MDM) in their relevant health and social care (HSC) Trust.
In Belfast Health and Social Care Trust, there is a preferred pathway for PMP patients either from the Trust population or for patients referred from the other four Trusts into the NI regional centre based in Belfast.
Mr William Wallace is a Belfast Trust consultant colorectal surgeon who has a specific expertise and interest in this disease. Professor Richard Wilson is a medical oncologist with expertise and interest in peritoneal malignancies including PMP and peritoneal mesothelioma and leads on clinical research for these patients.
The team link with the two UK supra-regional referral centres in Basingstoke and Manchester where patients are considered for radical peritoneal surgery and HIPEC and will manage patients jointly with these centres. Some palliative surgery and systemic therapies offered in Belfast.
Funding for supra-regional referral for assessment and treatment is through the NI Health and Social Care Board’s Extra Contracted Referrals Office who receive these applications from the referring Northern Ireland consultant through the appropriate Trust, and these referrals have been facilitated through this process for many years. This funding covers transport and accommodation for consultations (with family member/carer as needed) and funding of the procedure ultimately undertaken. Follow-up afterwards is usually done jointly by the supra-regional centre and the appropriate Belfast Trust consultant.
The regional cancer units at Altnagelvin Hospital (Western Trust), Antrim Hospital (Northern Trust) and Craigavon Hospital (Southern Trust) will refer to the Belfast team.
At South Eastern Trust, Ulster Hospital, patients are reviewed by the colorectal MDM. The team has good relationships with the team at Basingstoke and have referred patients over for treatment on a number of occasions.
More recently a unit in the Mater Hospital Dublin, headed by Mr Conor Shields, has been taking on these cases as a satellite of Basingstoke. This is obviously much handier for patients.
There would be no treatment locally due the need for treatment in a high volume unit.
As we understand from our own research, the current information for patients can be found here.
Awaiting information. Our research has found this document from 2002, on the Scottish Government Health and Social Care Directorates website, which states that pseudomyxoma peritonei is a nationally funded service –
PMP is not referred to by Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN) except in passing in the treatment of ovarian cancer.