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tagged with #appendix

My dad has pseudomyxoma peritonei. Should I have my appendix out?

If a blood relative has been diagnosed with PMP, you may be wondering if you should have your appendix removed as a preventative measure.

Is cancer of the appendix genetic?

Is cancer of the appendix genetic?

A recent study in JAMA Oncology revealed that around 10% of individuals diagnosed with appendiceal cancer have an inherited genetic variant that increases their risk for cancer predisposition. This is the first study to identify inherited risk factors for this uncommon type of cancer.

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I was diagnosed with an inflamed appendix

I was diagnosed with an inflamed appendix

Before I was diagnosed, I experienced increased abdominal size and piercing pain which was diagnosed initially with an inflamed appendix. It took about four months and another doctor for me to get the correct diagnosis at the end of January 2014.

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How shall I tell my children that I have appendix cancer?

How shall I tell my children that I have appendix cancer?

Looking back, I think we were trying to protect our children from the reality of the disease. Initially, when we discussed my diagnosis, we used terms like death, dying, chemo and cancer. We thought we spun this into a very positive approach, but our “method” may have given our children a confusing and unrealistic message about survival instead.

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