After my ruptured appendix was removed, the surgeon said the operation “took a little longer, it was messy in there.” For the follow-up, he called me in earlier to give me the bad news.
tagged with #MOAS
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Dead Man to Iron Man
As I came to terms with the news, I understood that it would be important for me to get as fit as I could to face such an invasive operation ominously dubbed the “The Mother of all Surgeries” or MOAS.
This illness sucks but I’m embracing the moment
Just over 18 months ago, I had a full hysterectomy because they thought I had ovarian cancer….
Liam wanted the legal right to a dignified end
In March 2014, Liam received a diagnosis of pseudomyxoma peritonei, a type of appendix cancer that is rare.
I was told it looked like ovarian cancer… but it wasn’t
After my diagnosis with metastatic, well-differentiated mucinous adenocarcinoma of the appendix, my doctor said I have a 72% chance of being alive in 10 years; those are great odds for a cancer patient.