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Articles by Media team, Pseudomyxoma Survivor

Northampton woman set to take on London Marathon in memory of friends

Michelle’s friend Debs to developed pseudomyxoma peritonei (PMP), a rare type of cancer also known as “jelly belly.”

Trying for a baby led to news that saved my life

An ultrasound scan showed a build-up of fluid on her uterus, medics didn’t know what was causing it.

Brendan Hanson-Kelly, Television Executive, Dies at 54

Brendan Hanson-Kelly, aged 54, passed away on December 18, 2022, in New York City after battling with appendix cancer.

I thought it was the menopause but my symptoms were actually a rare cancer

Although I was concerned, I didn’t think it was worth getting medical advice. Which, looking back, was silly.

MP backs group work on cancer

MP backs group work on cancer

Susan met with Ilkley MP, John Grogan, to discuss the work of Pseudomyxoma Survivor and Cancer52. Based on current data, 46 percent of cancers diagnosed are rare and less common, yet they account for 54 percent of cancer deaths.

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