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tagged with #splenectomy

Only 3 or 4 people per year are diagnosed with pseudomyxoma peritonei

Late in 2020, I went to A&E with stomach pains. I had a CT scan which showed a mass in my pelvic cavity the size of a grapefruit.

CRS and HIPEC sounds complicated, what is it?

CRS and HIPEC sounds complicated, what is it?

Cytoreductive surgery (CRS) for pseudomyxoma peritonei (PMP) is a complex operation with the aim of removing all visible tumours, affected tissue and entire organs. The NICE guidelines recommends the Sugarbaker technique and defines the operation as radical.

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The radiologist was rather puzzled by ‘a fluid in my stomach’

The radiologist was rather puzzled by ‘a fluid in my stomach’

In the summer of 2008, after having pains in my side, which turned out to be gallstones, and not feeling at all well I went to see my doctor who sent me to Bristol General Hospital to have an ultrasound scan. During the examination, the radiologist was rather puzzled by, as she said ‘a fluid in my stomach’.

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