We hope you’ve been keeping safe and healthy during lockdown. Lockdown has gone on for weeks but at least the sunshine here in the UK has made everything feel better.
Articles by Angela
Angela Brook knows firsthand how the Sugarbaker technique can provide long-term survival for many pseudomyxoma peritonei patients. Her contributions to the Pseudomyxoma Survivor website have helped provide hope and vital information for PMP patients and their loved ones.
Biweekly Insight on PMP 2
We hope you’ve been keeping well in lockdown. This is a difficult time for everyone, especially for those of us living with or affected by pseudomyxoma peritonei and other cancers of the appendix. Our online community and Buddies system continue to provide forums of support and understanding, and we hope to see everyone there.
Receiving a diagnosis
My original symptom was an ‘irritated‘ bladder — it is difficult to describe but the closest I can come up with it that it felt like it was vibrating all the time. In March 2010, after several months of bladder discomfort and many trips to my GP, I was referred to the genito-urinary clinic at my local University hospital with suspected bladder prolapse. Eventually, this lead to a diagnosis of pseudomyxoma peritonei (PMP).
My treatment was largely uneventful…
We have been having a discussion within our support group about the fact that the internet will focus on the more ‘sensational’ rather than the more ‘mundane’ and so we asked for some of the support group members to share their stories just to show that there isn’t always complications and sometimes things just turn out well.