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tagged with #CytoreductiveSurgery

What is HIPEC surgery?

HIPEC is a cancer treatment that involves surgery and heated chemotherapy. It’s used for advanced abdominal cancers like pseudomyxoma peritonei.

Should I have CRS/HIPEC?

Should I have CRS/HIPEC?

The decision to undergo cytoreductive surgery with HIPEC for pseudomyxoma peritonei (PMP) is a personal one and should be made in consultation with your medical team.

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CRS and HIPEC sounds complicated, what is it?

CRS and HIPEC sounds complicated, what is it?

Cytoreductive surgery (CRS) for pseudomyxoma peritonei (PMP) is a complex operation with the aim of removing all visible tumours, affected tissue and entire organs. The NICE guidelines recommends the Sugarbaker technique and defines the operation as radical.

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I thought I had a hernia

I thought I had a hernia

John went into hospital for a hernia operation. Afterwards, he was told that it wasn’t a hernia but a ‘small, bloody mass’. The pathology came back as pseudomyxoma peritonei (PMP).

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I’ve gone from 0km to 10km in just over 6 months!

I’ve gone from 0km to 10km in just over 6 months!

In 2015, I had cytoreductive surgery and HIPEC for pseudomxyoma peritonei. To thank Pseudomyxoma Survivor for all the support I was given and all the friends I have made through the charity, I’m doing the Southend 10K to raise funds for the charity. I would have been so alone and desperate without the charity and I cannot thank you enough x

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I was diagnosed with an inflamed appendix

I was diagnosed with an inflamed appendix

Before I was diagnosed, I experienced increased abdominal size and piercing pain which was diagnosed initially with an inflamed appendix. It took about four months and another doctor for me to get the correct diagnosis at the end of January 2014.

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I had cytoreduction and HIPEC and now I’ve climbed Mount Kilimanjaro!

I had cytoreduction and HIPEC and now I’ve climbed Mount Kilimanjaro!

My local hospital happens to be the centre in Israel for treating this disease and two of the surgeons working there have extensive experience in performing cytoreductive surgery and HIPEC. To those of you have undergone this procedure, I don’t need to say more. If you are still recovering or about to undergo it, I wish you excellent care, strength, patience, and a complete recovery.

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My Olympic Victory

My Olympic Victory

Four years ago, I had to give up my ticket to watch the London Olympics to go to a hospital appointment and be told I had PMP and had only ‘a few months’ if Basingstoke could not offer me CRS and HIPEC. Now I’m in Rio!

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