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Will exercising cause pseudomyxoma peritonei (PMP) to spread?

Engaging in exercise is generally beneficial for overall health and well-being, even for individuals with pseudomyxoma peritonei (PMP). Exercise can help improve cardiovascular fitness, strengthen muscles, boost immune function, enhance mood, and promote a sense of...
World Cancer Day 2023

World Cancer Day 2023

February 4th marks World Cancer Day, the one day in the year when the world comes together to raise awareness of cancer and also to encourage its prevention, detection and treatment.

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Dr Jason Spendelow

Dr Jason Spendelow

Supporting our commitment to living with pseudomyxoma peritonei and appendix cancer, we welcome Dr Spendelow as a medical advisor.

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Jamie’s Gift Lists – Hospital

Jamie’s Gift Lists – Hospital

I came up with a series of lists because I realized that a lot of people are unsure of what to give or do for a cancer patient but they really want to find a way to help. Some gifts may not feel like gifts but really are very useful. I always appreciate useful.

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Coronavirus Vaccines

Coronavirus Vaccines

Pseudomyxoma Survivor has received a number of inquiries as to whether people with a diagnosis of pseudomyxoma peritonei (PMP) or appendix cancer should have a COVID-19 vaccination.

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BromAc trial in Spain

BromAc trial in Spain

Dr Arona Sanchez from Cordoba tells us about an exciting new trial for patients experiencing a recurrence of PMP.
Photo credit: Hellerhoff, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

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We’re looking for trustees!

We’re looking for trustees!

We are now looking for able and motivated individuals to join our Board of Trustees, to help lead and guide our important work. Mainly, we are looking for people who are excited by the work Pseudomyxoma Survivor does, share our values and will play an active part in the work of our Board. Is this you?

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Second wave survey

Second wave survey

Cancer52 has launched a survey to understand how the second wave of the coronavirus pandemic is impacting our community.

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