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Before I was diagnosed, I suffered from abdominal pain and tiredness. I felt full quickly after only eating small amounts. I saw various doctors who gave me a diagnosis between appendix, ovaries and bowel but no firm diagnosis. Eventually, the colorectal doctor forwarded my CT scan on to the Basingstoke and North Hampshire Hospital after I complained of pain in abdomen after jogging.

Lynne shares her story with Pseudomyxoma Survivor

Lynne and her daughter

After receiving a cancer diagnosis, I was devastated at first as I am a single parent and the thought of not being there for my daughter was worse than thinking about what surgery lay ahead of me. I was angry also as just two weeks earlier had just found out I had passed my nursing degree. Now though I have learned to take one day at a time and stop worrying about the future so much. I just enjoy time now whilst I am fit and healthy.

My advice to others would be don’t read too much on the internet as each case is different and you will only scare yourself, enjoy life as we are only here once and talk about your feelings – don’t let things build up.


In case you missed it...

My PMP journey and why I’m doing my bit to raise awareness

My PMP journey and why I’m doing my bit to raise awareness

I was diagnosed with PMP aged 32, after many months of stomach pains, bloating, constipation and irregular periods. After numerous trips to my GP, which led to an ultrasound and eventually a CT scan, I was told I had a nine centimetre tumour on my appendix which had burst and leaked cancerous mucin into my abdominal cavity.

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The radiologist was rather puzzled by ‘a fluid in my stomach’

The radiologist was rather puzzled by ‘a fluid in my stomach’

In the summer of 2008, after having pains in my side, which turned out to be gallstones, and not feeling at all well I went to see my doctor who sent me to Bristol General Hospital to have an ultrasound scan. During the examination, the radiologist was rather puzzled by, as she said ‘a fluid in my stomach’.

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I was devastated at first as I am a single parent