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Pseudomyxoma Survivor FayeIn August 2023, my life changed forever in many ways when I heard the words, “I’m sorry we found cancer”.

I went into my local hospital for a Laparotomy for an ovarian cyst and walked out of there being told they found cancer in my appendix. This was how I discovered the baffling world of pseudomyxoma peritonei. I was diagnosed with a LAMN (low-grade appendiceal mucinous neoplasm).

My cancer had spread during the five years it had been hiding away in there and I was referred to Basingstoke for my treatment. I had CRS/HIPEC  (cytoreductive surgery with hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy) on November 1st 2023.

My operation took around 11 hours and I lost eight of my organs during this procedure. But I left Basingstoke with no evidence of disease (NED) and am now giving all my time to bring awareness about pseudomyxoma peritonei (PMP).

I have gone on to raise money for Pseudomyxoma Survivor and it feels amazing to give something back and fight for all who have suffered or been affected by pseudomyxoma peritonei and appendix cancers.

It’s so important to fight cancer with all we have and go out and show it we will never be beaten!

I am due my 1st scan in November this year and I hope I can continue to survive and thrive. I’ve met so many amazing warriors out there who inspire and push me to get through what has been the most horrific time in my life.


~ Faye L

We understand how shocking and overwhelming it must have been to receive the unexpected news about your appendix during what was meant to be a routine procedure for an ovarian cyst.

Discovering the world of pseudomyxoma peritonei (PMP) can indeed feel like entering into a new and uncertain territory. We’re here to offer you, and anyone else in this position, support, guidance and a sense of community as you navigate this journey.

A diagnosis of low-grade appendiceal mucinous neoplasm (LAMN) can be a lot to process. Many within our community have faced similar challenges and have found strength in each other’s stories.

We’re here to support you every step of the way.

Pseudomyxoma Survivor

In case you missed it...

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The disease was actually growing out of my belly button!

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“I’m sorry we found a cancer.” I was diagnosed with a LAMN