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I am a Pseudomyxoma Survivor! I was diagnosed in May 2018 and underwent life changing surgery and chemotherapy. From that moment I knew my life would be different and I wanted to make the best of every moment I have. So…. I set myself some goals and challenges… one of them was to run!

I don’t like running. I never have! I find it quite dull, BUT, give me some motivation and a challenge and I’ll do it!

The London Landmarks Half Marathon (LLHM) was something I would never have thought of entering before! I’d only ever ran 10k in distance and did that 9 months after surgery! But this was a challenge I wanted to do! I wanted to take part as I wanted to support Pseudomyxoma Survivor. The charity was my driving force throughout my training and it kept me going.

Pseudomyxoma Survivor helped support me through my diagnosis and recovery. Without the charity I wouldn’t have been able to put one foot in front of the other. They showed me there is life after cancer and I can continue and dream about the future. Due to the postponement of the half marathon as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, I have been running 5k each week instead to show support to those that have sponsored me so far and continue to raise awareness of the charity and the cancer!

If you’d like to show me your support, my fundraising page is here – https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/stacey-broadmeadow1 and  you can find out about Team PMPS LLHM here – https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/PMP. Thank you ?

~ Stacey


#CytoreductiveSurgery, #HIPEC, #pseudomyxomaperitonei

In case you missed it...

In sickness and in health

In sickness and in health

On the 4th May 1974, we married in the beautiful Christchurch Priory which was then Hampshire and is now Dorset, to have and to hold from this day forward. I didn’t realise how important the words in our vows “in sickness and in health” were at the time.

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Too young for cancer

Too young for cancer

It’s tough being only 20 years old and an appendix cancer patient at that. Mainly because no one expects or even wants to believe you could even end up developing cancer, and the worst culprits are medical professionals. True, the odds are so low it’s a waste of time to even bother, but that ‘waste of time’ could have cost me my life!

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Stacey’s Local Landmarks Challenge